- Reiki, Dermaplaning and Lash Lifts in Olympia, Washington

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Gathering of Goddesses 2017

I was exuberant to host the Gathering of Goddesses event this year. If you missed it, the date was August 27, 2017.

We were excited to have 15 vendors and many sponsors this year. 84 people total joined us for a wonderful day of relaxation, including intro to Buti Yoga by Julia and Noel, along with a lovely meditation led by Victoria.   Madonna Simons shared her sacred salt bowl ceremony with us...We also welcomed two special guest speakers: Valerie Olney, LMP, cranial sacral therapist who spoke on AccuPoint, and Laura Lavigne, TedX speaker. Laura enlightened us by speaking on allowing the magic to flow in our lives!

Terry Holder and her daughter Erin combined their beautiful voices in perfect harmony as we ended the day, breaking into several small groups offering salt bowl ceremonies. Blessings, much love, and special thanks to Karen Steepy, Anne Goranson, Victoria Cunningham, Madonna Simons, Richele Center, Sharon Brown, and Cameo Gillson for facilitating these groups. Thank you to each of these goddesses. <3

I am honored and blessed to create and host this event which touches the hearts and souls of these precious divine beings. Honoring the Divine Feminine is why we gather. The future is bright as next year's vision is a glorious one for our earth and more gathering of goddesses.  

I am overwhelmingly blessed with feelings of love for each person who contributed to this event. Special thanks to each vendor and attendee, this event would not be possible without you!

Many blessings sent to each Goddess.

Love & Light,

Heather 💕🌟